Our school attendance figures (including persistent absence)

Year To Date (22/23) – 94.91% (Total attendance) / 16.92% (persistent absence)

Why is attendance important?

Children who are in school and on time every day do better than those who are not. It’s a fact. Even children whose attendance is 90% will have missed 19 school days over the year and will struggle to achieve their targets. So here is what we do to encourage good attendance at The West Grantham Church of England Primary Academy.

We reward achievement in every area of school life and recognise improvements and achievement of individuals. This may include a bespoke plan for pupils in regard to good attendance.


The class with the highest attendance from the previous week will be recognised in the Celebration Assembly and also look after ‘Attendance Ted’ for the week – a very important job!


Every child who achieves at least 96%, or has improved attendance from the previous term for a half term, will receive a postcard to recognise their achievement and be mentioned at the Celebration Assembly.


This year every child who achieves 100% attendance for the whole year will receive a certificate on the last day of the school year.

What do I do if my child is ill?

If your child is absent from school, please contact us by 8.30am or as soon as you can, by email to office@wgpa.snmat.org.uk or by phone on 01476 563963. For safeguarding reasons we operate a thorough absence monitoring procedure, so early notification is crucial so that we know that your child is safe and with you.


Arriving punctually allows students to meet their friends before registration and settle into the school day. Children that are even a few minutes late are frequently unsettled, which can affect their ability to engage well with their learning. These minutes will also quickly add up to mean loss of learning time.


WGPA Attendance Flowchart