Our collective worships build upon our vision and mission statements. Each term we focus on one of our Church School Values; ambition, belief, courage, integrity and love.

Mr Andrew Morton, from the Earlesfield Community Church, Mr Michael Buckeridge and staff deliver a collective worships on both sites.

On a Friday we hold our ‘Shining Lights’ assembly, this is led by a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Each class teacher chooses a child who has demonstrated one or more of our school values.


Our Collective Worship has huge impact.


Collective worship makes me feel….

Calm and welcomed because Jesus welcomed a woman and she was a Samaritan. So I know that Jesus loves me no matter what.‘ – Child


I am not a Christian but I feel comfortable with today’s Collective Worship‘ – Parent


Hopeful, where there is a community you are never truly alone‘ – Parent


My child is part of a loving school‘ – Parent


Good because now I know how to make a good friend‘ – Child


Collective Worship made me feel kind of excited‘ – Child


I like the songs‘ – Child


In Collective Worship I enjoyed….

How the story was told by pupils and how this school is one big family‘ – Parent


I enjoyed seeing the children together‘ – Parent


That it talks about God‘ – Child


My take-away and response from Collective Worship…

I will welcome everyone that comes to our school and outside of school‘ – Child


Equality and inclusiveness‘ – Parent


Knowing my child and all the children are safe and loved in this school‘ – Parent


Carry on teaching my kids everyone is different, be kind to all‘ – Parent


It showed again how amazing this school is‘ – Parent


I want to study more about Collective Worship‘ – Parent


It was so nice to see the children involved in Collective Worship‘ – Parent


I showed courage when I had a nightmare and I stood up to the nightmare with prayer’ – Child